Forthcoming Title: Peripheral Narratives and Knowledge Production in Soviet and Contemporary Central Asia, 1917-Present

IOPN is thrilled to announce the upcoming publication of Peripheral Narratives and Knowledge Production in Soviet and Contemporary Central Asia, 1917-Present, edited by Eva Rogaar, Joe Lenkart, and Katherine Ashcraft. The volume examines historical and current practices of knowledge production and preservation in Central Asia, with a particular focus on how institutions shape collective memory. Consisting of ten chapters and an introduction, contributing authors include scholars both from and currently working in Central Asia. The chapters explore the creation of knowledge and memory across Central Asia in a range of subjects, including ethnic and religious minorities, language and literature, art and architecture, nation building, and environmental (in)justice.

Our goal was to bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, archivists, and librarians to examine the roots of knowledge production and preservation in Soviet and Post-Soviet Central Asia, as well as to recontextualize the cultural heritage, histories, and memory institutions that illuminate the many layers of center-periphery relations at local, national, and regional levels. — Eva Rogaar, Joe Lenkart, and Katherine Ashcraft, editors

While recently Central Asian Studies has been the focus of greater academic attention, English-language publications have largely excluded scholars from Central Asia. In many cases, scholars studying the region use a Russian- or Soviet-centered lens. The Central Asia Research Cluster was formed out of a desire to counter this trend and explore new ways of researching the region by creating a collaborative and supportive environment that makes sure to provide space for scholars from Central Asia and globally. The Central Asia Research Cluster focuses particularly on building collaborative partnerships and seeks to eliminate many of the barriers that keep Central Asian scholars out of the conversation.

Peripheral Narratives and Knowledge Production in Soviet and Contemporary Central Asia, 1917-Present will be published by IOPN under the Publishing Without Walls imprint winter 2025.