Metatheories for Information Literacy




metatheory, philosophy of science, philosophy of education, theory and practice, DIKW


This poster argues for a metatheoretical approach that investigates philosophical questions produced by the difficulties and disagreements within scientific disciplines in a reflexive manner. This approach provides support for a more consistent foundation of IL in conjunction with an in-depth discussion among researchers and more advanced theories and practices in the field. The poster will explore aspects of IL to which metatheory can contribute such as (1) principal concepts relevant to IL, (2) an understanding of how to achieve ‘literacy’, and (3) the integration of the internal and external elements of IL practices. To this end, it adopts a qualitative content analysis of principal frameworks, standards, and models of IL to compare the explicit and implicit metatheoretical—ontological, epistemological, and axiological—assumptions within existing IL theories and practices. This poster will use a ‘case study’ of the conventional data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) model with regard to disparate conceptualizations and their practical implications.


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Works in Progress Posters