Two new species of Archelcana Sharov (Orthoptera: Elcanidae) from the Lower Jurassic of Luxembourg
Arthropoda, Insecta, Polyneoptera, Orthopterida, Elcanidea, Mesozoic, ToarcianAbstract
Two new species of the genus Archelcana Sharov (Orthoptera: Elcanidae: Archelcaninae) are described from the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) deposits of Uerschterhaff, near Sanem, southern Luxembourg. Archelcana numbergerae sp. nov. and Archelcana tina sp. nov. are the first fossil insects to be formally described from the Uerschterhaff locality and the first fossil orthopterans from the Lower Jurassic of Luxembourg.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sam W. Heads, Ben Thuy, Jacob Tamarri

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