ВИВЛIОθИКА (ISSN: 2333-1658) is an annual, open-access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the culture and history of the Russian Empire during ‘the long eighteenth century’ (c. 1660-c.1830). The journal does not charge any fees and is open to submissions in all relevant disciplines and in all the major languages in which eighteenth-century Imperial Russia -- broadly defined to include non-Russian ethnicities, nationalities, and confessions -- is studied.
ВИВЛIОθИКА is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Scholary Resources (ROAD) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Published submissions are automatically assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a unique and persistent alphanumeric string for indexing in CrossRef, thereby allowing for cross-publisher citation-linking to a specifc article within the e-journal. Published issues are archived in the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS) at the University of Illinois.
Volume 12

Issue description
The twelfth (2024) issue of ВИВЛIОθИКА includes a special forum on decolonizing 18th-century Russian studies.