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Block I Illinois Library Illinois Open Publishing Network

Digital Humanities Projects

Vol. 9 (2021)

Itinera Petri. Биохроника Петра Великого – день за днем (1672-1725)



This article is devoted to the electronic project Itinera Petri: A Day-by-Day Bio-Chronicle of Peter the Great (1672-1725). This is an online database representing the life of Peter I in the form of electronic records, each of which corresponds to one day in the life of the monarch. The uniform presentation of the material follows a fixed format with the goal of separating facts from interpretations. The database is equipped with a searchable interface organized according to different parameters (including by toponyms and personal names).


  1. Bogoslovskiĭ, M. M. Petr I: materialy dlia biografii, edited by V. I. Lebedev, 5 vols. Moscow: Ogiz, Gos. sotsialʹno-ėkon. izd-vo, 1940-1948.
  2. Golikov, I. I. Dopolneniia k “Deianiiam Petra Velikogo” 18 vols. Moscow: n.p., 1790-1795.
  3. Institut marksizma-leninizma pri TsKPSS. Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin: biograficheskaia khronika, 1870-1924 [pod obshcheĭredaktsieĭ G. N. Golikova ... et al.], 12 vols. Moscow: Politizdat, 1970.
  4. Itinera Petri. Biokhronika Petra Velikogo--den’ za dnem (1672-1725).
  5. Komissiia po izdaniiu pisem i bumag imperatora Petra Velikogo, Nauchno-istoricheskiĭ arkhiv Sankt-Peterburgskogo instituta istorii RAN. Fond 270.
  6. Letopisʹ zhizni i tvorchestva Aleksandra Pushkina: v chetyrekh tomakh [sostavitelʹ M. A. Tsiavlovskiĭ]. Moscow: Izd-vo Slovo, 1999-2005.
  7. Materialy dlia istorii russkogo flota ch. 1-6. St. Petersburg: n.p., 1865-1872.
  8. Sbornik vypisok iz arkhivnykh bumag o Petre Velikom, edited by G. V. Esipov, 2 vols. Moscow: n.p., 1872.
  9. Sheremetev, B. P. Pis’ma k gosudariu imperatoru Petru Velikomu ot generala-fel’dmarshala, taĭnogo sovetnika mal’tiĭskogo, s apostola Andreia, Belogo orla i prusskogo ordena kavalera, grafa Borisa Petrovicha Sheremeteva ch. 1-4. Moscow: n.p., 1778-1779.