Ronald W. Bailey
Ronald W. Bailey is former chair of and still teaches in the Department of African American Studies at the University of Illinois, Champaign Urbana, and a scholar of Political Science and Black Studies. One of the lead authors for the foundational volume, Introduction to African American Studies: A Peoples College Primer (aka INTRO), Remembering Medgar Evers . . . For a New Generation, Let Us March On: Civil Rights Photographs of Ernest Withers, Jr., and Black Business Enterprise: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. He has been at the forefront of the Black Studies Movement in higher education through his published work, organizing, and funded research. His main areas of interest are black political thought and activism, blacks, and technology, and is completing a book on the slave(ry)trade, cotton, and the industrial revolution in Great Britain and the US.
The University of Illinois, Champaign Urbana
Professor in the Department of African American Studies