
This section includes journals, magazines, and other periodicals originally edited and published in Latin American & Caribbean countries and oriented to promote and discuss sports, physical education, and games. It comprises material published in different periods and countries. Some of these periodicals are specialized journals; some other are magazines that include sports and physical activities as a part of an broader coverage of social and cultural topics. Some of the periodicals are already digitized and in open access, but there are other magazines and journals that are only available for in-person consultation at the University of Illinois Library.

  • Cultural Magazines of Latin America
    This collection contains retrodigitized cultural magazines from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru and Puerto Rico dating back to the period between 1880 and 1930. New items and titles in this collection are added continuously. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil = Hemeroteca Digital / National Library of Brazil = Digital Newspaper Library
    The website provides the access to various publications provided by the National Library of Brazil. There are 51 periodicals that focus on sports when the keyword 'sport' is typed into the newspapers search bar. The following journals are included: 1. A Gazeta Esportiva (SP) 2. A Gazeta Esportiva Ilustrada (SP) 3. A Mosca Sportiva (RJ) 4. A Vida de Hoje : Chronica de litteratura e sport (SP) 5. A Vida Sportiva (RJ) 6. Almanaque dos Desportos (RJ) 7. Annuario das Estações Sportivas : Derby Club (RJ) 8. Anuário Esportivo Brasileiro (RJ) 9. Brasil Sport (RJ) 10. Correio Esportivo (MG) 11. Correio Sportivo (AM) 12. Correio Sportivo (AM) 13. Epoca Esportiva (RJ) 14. Esporte (SC) 15. Esporte Ilustrado (SP) 16. Estação Sportiva (RJ) 17. Folha Esportiva (SC) 18. Gazeta Americana : Orgão Commercial, Litterario, Sportivo e Noticioso (RS) 19. Joinville Esportivo (SC) 20. Jornal de Theatro & Sport (RJ) 21. Jornal dos Sports (RJ) 22. Jornal Esportivo (SC) 23. Jornal Sportivo : orgam exclusivamente sportivo (AM) 24. Manchete Esportiva (RJ) 25. Mundo Esportivo : Um Semanario Completo dos Esportes (SP) 26. O Clarim : Jornal Litterario, Scientifico, Humoristico, Theatral e Sportivo (SP) 27. O Coronel : Humorismo, Sport e Actualidades Mundanas (SP) 28. O Debate Esportivo (RS) 29. O Desporto (SC) 30. O Frontão : jornal sportivo, litterario e theatral (RJ) 31. O Furão : Criticas, Theatros, Sports (SP) 32. O Globo Sportivo (RJ) 33. O Periscopio : jornal humoristico esportivo (AM) 34. O Rebenque : Líttero, Critico, Sportivo (AM) 35. O Sport (BA) 36. O Sport (ES) 37. O Sport (PE) 38. O Sport (SC) 39. O Sport : Orgão dos Interesses do Povo (RJ) 40. O Sportman (RJ) 41. Paraná Esportivo (PR) 42. Penedo Esportivo (AL) 43. Petit Sport : Semanario Sportivo e Theatral (RJ) 44. Revista do Esporte (RJ) 45. Rio Sportivo (RJ) 46. São Paulo Sportivo (SP) 47. Semana Sportiva (RJ) 48. Sport Ilustrado (RJ) 49. Sports (RJ) 50. Vida Esportiva (RS) 51. Vida Sportiva This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Boletín de Filatelia Deportiva y Olímpica
    This website has access to philately collected by Grupo Podium Filatelia Deportiva. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Deportes al día
    The website provides the access to various publications made by Deportes al día. The magazine includes recent information and articles about athletes, sporting events and other information during the 1970s. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Periódico Récord
    The website provides the access to various publications made by Periódico Récord. The newspaper includes recent information and articles about Colombian athletes, sporting events and other information. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Perú Deportes
    The website provides the access to various publications made by the magazine Perú Deportes. The magazine includes recent information and articles about Peruvian athletes, sporting events and other information. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Climbing Costa Rica
    The website provides the access to the magazine Climbing Costa Rica. This magazine includes climbing routes, maps to crags, hiking trails, among other things. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Jornal dos Sports
    The website provides the access to various publications made by the Journal dos Sports. This periodical includes recent news about Brazil, a sports section and other articles. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Revista Colombia Tierra de Campeones
    The website provides the access to various publications made by the magazine Colombia Tierra de Campeones. The magazine includes recent information and articles about Colombian athletes and sporting events. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Instituto Peruano del Deporte
    The website provides the access to various publications made by the Peruvian Sports Institute. The magazines include articles about sports events, athletes, medalists, and other information. This item has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • El hogar
    It is a weekly magazine published in Argentina in 1907 until 1923. It was focused in women's fashion, and topical issues, relying upon cartoons and photographs. The item has been digitized by Google, is part of the HathiTrust digital library, and has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.
  • Manchete Esportiva
    "Manchete Esportiva" was a sports magazine published in Brazil between 1955-1959. Later, it became a sports news show screened by the television channel TV Manchete. The magazine "Manchete Esportiva", distributed weekly, focused mainly on football soccer and was considered one of the most popular soccer magazines. The UIUC library recently acquired issues covering years 1956-1959 and there are also available issues from October 1977 to July 1979 as part of the Latina American and the Caribbean collection. It has been collected by the DLLACS collection at the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Library.

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