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iBlack Studies Database: A Convening

Convening Pictures and Bio

Seated from left: Abdul Alkalimat, Ronald W. Bailey, and James Turner.

Knowledge and understandings about the field cannot be lim­ited to the words of those who make significant con­tri­bu­tions. It is important to have an understanding of the author of those words for it is in that context we better perceive their mean­ing. These brief biographies are offered in the spirit of fos­ter­ing deeper un­der­standings. Readers are encouraged to browse the in­ter­net for ad­ditional information on these and other im­portant schol­ars in the field. In addition, most of the contributors to the digital installation are liv­ing legacies; therefore, in the spirit of visual anthropology it is important for us to vis­u­al­ly iden­tify the individuals who have helped to build the field. Tra­di­tional­ly, publications have simply pre­sen­ted brief bios of con­trib­utors, here we go one step further, including their pic­tures, with the hopes that visual recognition of these scholars will increase con­ver­sations that reach across ide­o­log­i­cal, the­o­ret­i­cal, method­o­log­ical, and generational borders. The ability to put a face to the name is empowering.


(In this section as in other sections of the database, contributors are iden­ti­fied by their in­sti­tu­tions as of the 2006 proceed­ings, which may dif­fer­ from this 2018 publication date.)