Mónica Carrillo is a feminist, scholar, poet, and the founder/director of LUNDU, the Center for Afro-Péruvian Studies and Advancement in Lima, Péru. She was invited to attend the convening as both an observer and a discussion participant. LUNDU is an organization of Afro-Péruvian youth who work to promote recognition and respect for Péru’s African-descendant population and to combat racism and sexism in Péruvian society. Carrillo founded the organization when she was twenty-one as a means of ensuring that young Péruvians of African descent—who face both racism and sexism—know their rights and have information about their health. For example, LUNDU works in the poor, coastal town of El Carmen, where sex tourism is a growing industry, and rates of HIV/AIDS are among the highest in the country. The organization operates as a safe haven, a place to develop self-esteem, pride in their heritage, and skills to protect their health and rights. Mónica Carrillo is also a journalist with expertise in international human rights law and African and minority rights. In her tireless work for social justice, she helps people understand the importance of human right—including sexual and reproductive rights—as she works in her community and internationally to defend the rights of Afro-Péruvians, women, and youth. In the spirit of inclusion and broadening understandings across ideological, theoretical, and experiential borders, she was asked to contribute a position paper that connects Péruvian Studies of the African Diaspora to conversations for strengthening Black Studies in the United States. Carrillo’s paper (provided here in both English and, on page 267, in Carrillo’s preferred language of Spanish) offers a unique regionally situated international perspective that offers a critique of the US-centeredness of Black Studies, a point of view not often considered in discussions.