The figure illustrates shows the three stages of Backward Design applied at the program level: identify desired results, determine acceptable evidence, and plan learning experiences and instruction. Each step is followed by questions for instructors to consider in their planning. The step “identify desired results” has two questions: What are the learning goals of the library instruction program? What should students know, understand or be able to do by the end of the program? The step “determine acceptable evidence” has two questions: How will we know if learning goals have been achieved? What activities will students engage in to demonstrate knowledge and ability? The step “plan learning experiences and instruction” has two questions: How will we engage students with the curriculum? What courses, programs, and activities align with the program learning goals?
Instruction in Libraries and Information Centers Copyright © 2020 by Laura Saunders and Melissa A. Wong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.