About this Edition
In our presentation we include a transcription and translation of the original text (provided by Jacob Bell), supplementing our source with contemporary writings, and secondary sources providing detailed descriptions of the process of creating this type of art.
Citation Guide for this Edition
Krista Rae Zamora, Caroline Da Rocha Birnfeld, and Andrew Barrios, “A Medieval Surgery, Illustrated: The First Recorded Surgical Separation of Conjoined Twins,” SourceLab 3, no. 3 (2022), https://iopn.library.illinois.edu/scalar/a-medieval-surgery-illustrated-the-first-recorded-surgical-separation-of-conjoined-twins/index.
Bibliographical Note:
Zamora, Krista Rae, Caroline Da Rocha Birnfeld, and Andrew Barrios. “A Medieval Surgery, Illustrated: The First Recorded Surgical Separation of Conjoined Twins.” SourceLab 3, no. 3 (2022). https://iopn.library.illinois.edu/scalar/a-medieval-surgery-illustrated-the-first-recorded-surgical-separation-of-conjoined-twins/index.*To cite specific pages, for example "About this Source," insert the URL of that page (that is the part that begins "http://") in place of the homepage URL given.