This page was created by James A. Brokaw II. The last update was by Elizabeth Budd.
How to Navigate This Interactive Digital Edition
Schulze's introductions to the Bach cantatas began in 1990 as a series of broadcasts on the German radio network Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk (MDR). Each broadcast treated a single cantata as a freestanding discussion. As such, the broadcasts necessarily repeated background information as to occasion, Gospel reading, and so forth. When he published his book, rather than include the repeated material, Schulze frequently omitted them and included page redirects instead.
I fully expect that readers will consult these essays singly or in many different combinations, and so I have restored the repetitions, to make the essays entirely freestanding again.
Within each essay my annotations and those of the author appear in a single series of numeric footnotes. My own are labeled with "—Trans."
All essays are accessible through the table of contents. Look for the "bullet-point" icon in the upper left corner of the screen. I've devised several different "ways into" content, ranging from church calendar occasion to chronology, to genre, as well as indexes by title and BWV.
To print any essay, simply right-click on the body of the essay, and select "print" from the context menu that pops up.
Excellent video recordings of the cantatas can be found at Bachipedia.