Anti-Eviction Movements towards Overcoming Racial Capitalism in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Their rejection of the colonial-apartheid era racialized categorizations reproduced by the post-apartheid state in favor of building on a sense of shared struggles to create communal territories offers normative foundations for a possible social cohesion and unity capable of redressing historical injustices of racialized dispossession, oppression, and economic exploitation.
Reading Suggestions
Amin, Samir. (1990). The Social Movements in the Periphery: An End to National liberation. In Samir Amin, Giovani Arrighi, Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein, Transforming the Revolution. MR Press.Cloete, Michael (2014). Neville Alexander: Towards overcoming the legacy of racial capitalism in post-apartheid South Africa. Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 86, 30-47.
Gibson, N. (2011). Fanonian Practices in South Africa. UKZN Press.
Gillespie, Kelly. (2010). Reclaiming Nonracialism: reading The Threat of Race from South Africa. Patterns of Prejudice, 44:1, 61-75.
Hallward, P. (2007). Damming the Flood. London: Verso.
Harvey, David. (2006). Spaces of Global Capitalism; Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development. Verso.
Harvey, David. (2001). Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. New York: Routledge.
Hoogevelt, Ankie. (1997). Globalization and the Postcolonial World; the new political economy of development. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Lentin, Alana. (2011). What Happens to Anti-Racism when we are Post Race? Feminist Legal Studies, 19, 159–16.
Merrifield, Andy. (2014). The Politics of the Encounter: Urban Theory and Protest under Planetary Urbanization. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Pithouse, Richard. (2015). Undoing the silence of the present: the imperative to recognize the shack settlement as a site of politics. In C.Haferburg and M. Huchzermeyer, Urban Governance in Post-Apartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles. UKZN Press.
Robinson, CJ. (1983). Black Marxism: The Making of The Black Radical Tradition. London: Verso.
Roy, A. (2011). Slumdog Cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35, 223-238.
Roy, A. (2017). Dis/possessive collectivism Property and Personhood. Geoforum 80, A1-A11.
Sassen, Saskia. The Global Street: Making of the Political, Globalizations, 8(5), 573-579.
Sivanandam, A. (1990). Communities of Resistance: Writings on Black Struggles for Socialism. Verso: London.
Waquant, Loic. (2008). Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality. Polity Press.
Zibechi, R. (2012). Territories in Resistance. Oakland: AK Press.