This annotation was created by Christopher R. Maden.
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"Where the Blue of the Night"
12018-11-07T14:36:41+00:00Christopher R. Maden25dcbfeef668032354e9a64cd632e1c0cac9c477161plain2018-11-07T14:36:41+00:00Christopher R. Maden25dcbfeef668032354e9a64cd632e1c0cac9c477The song is "Where the Blue of the Night (Meets the Gold of Day)” by Bing Crosby from 1931.
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12018-11-07T14:36:39+00:00Christopher R. Maden25dcbfeef668032354e9a64cd632e1c0cac9c477Illinois Wesleyan Crops for Tuition ad during the Great Depression1Produced by Paramount News in 1932, this short newsreel introduced the world to Illinois Wesleyan's crops for tuition program. Organized by Illinois Wesleyan president Dr. H. W. McPherson, featured in the film, this program allowed students to pay their tuition with farm produce.plain2018-11-07T14:36:39+00:00Critical CommonsParamount1932VideoHow's Crops, Dean?2018-08-21T23:48:30ZChristopher R. Maden25dcbfeef668032354e9a64cd632e1c0cac9c477