The Birth of Pussy Riot: Six Early Songs

As long as that thing doesn’t hit the ceiling!

Pussy Riot is arguing that it’s not just women who have such a thing as “penis envy,” as men have it, too, in their opinion. Men are jealous and envious of other men that they know and see online with bigger penises, and this envy likely makes them feel emasculated and, in return, echoes the anxiety that the young girls of Freud’s theory feel. The line containing “that giant one you saw on TV” is likely alluding to purchasable pornographic content that is nowadays available on TV. The “thing” in “As long as that thing doesn’t hit the ceiling” is referring to an actual penis, meaning that Pussy Riot is saying that there are actual men out there that would set the ceiling as their maximum ideal penis length, thereby implying the sheer ridiculousness that is men comparing and being envious of those with bigger penises. I have also italicized “thing” to reflect the air of derision evident towards it in the original Russian.

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