The Birth of Pussy Riot: Six Early Songs

Make the cops serve liberty, Protests bring good weather...

Pussy Riot spends this verse further defining what their hopes are for Russia and what the “protest” should embody; police reforms and peaceful riots are a part of that. I believe “protests bring good weather” is a reference to Russian folk beliefs concerning weather patterns. Starry skies, for example, mean good weather while hazy skies promise rain. An illustration of such folk beliefs can be found in Alexander Pushkin’s 1821 poem “Signs (Try to Observe the Various Signs)” (Primety (Staraĭsia nabliudat’ razlichnye primety)),

“Try to observe the various signs.
An infant shepherd and farmer,
Look up at the heavens, at the western shadow,
Already knowing how to predict both the wind and the clear day,
The May showers, the joy of the young fields,
And the early, cold frosts so dangerous to grapes . . .” 

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