Gundam and the Japanese Media Mix: Novelizations, Model Kits and Statues
Mobile Suit Gundam, Media Mix, Grand Narratives, Narrative Consumption, Tomino Yoshiyuki, Novelization, Anime, Anime and Manga StudiesAbstract
Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) and related texts – collectively called the Gundam franchise – revolutionized robot animation with its realistic settings, eventually gaining immense popularity through reruns and expansions into various media formats. This paper explores the Gundam series' innovative media mix strategies, including novelizations, model kits, and life-sized statues, which have each been critical to its enduring success in specific ways. For instance Gundam novelizations, particularly those by director Tomino Yoshiyuki, deviated from the TV series, incorporating mature themes and expanding the narrative universe. This approach set a precedent for media mixing in animation. Additionally, Gundam's plastic models, especially the MSV series, created a new form of “narrative consumption” where fans engaged with the broader lore of the series through detailed models. These models maintained the franchise's popularity during periods without new TV broadcasts. Finally, life-sized Gundam statues further exemplify the franchise's media mix innovation. Starting with the 2009 Tokyo installation, these statues have evolved, incorporating dynamic elements and interactive features. These installations offer a unique “pseudo-authenticity,” making the fictional Gundam universe tangible and attracting widespread attention. Overall, Gundam's pioneering media mix strategieshave not only sustained the franchise’s cultural and economic impact, but also expanded it, thus solidifying its status as a cornerstone of Japanese animation culture.
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