About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The Internet is creating a vast new archive of historical sources. Huge numbers of digitized artifacts–including pictures, films, sounds, words, as well numerical and spatial data–appear online everyday. Anyone interested in history would want to use them.

Yet all too often, we don’t know anything about these sources. Who made them? When? Where? How much of the original survives today? What portion is digitized here?  Faced by these and numerous other questions, students and researchers are placed in a bind.

SourceLab exists to help solve this problem.

Faculty, students, and staff all serve on the Editorial Board of the SourceLab Series. This publication issues regular Calls for Proposals, asking members of the public to identify digitized materials they would like to see prepared for scholarly use. The Editorial Board reviews these proposals, and establishes teams of students to work on select new editions. All editions undergo a blind peer review and revision before final publication.



Frequency and Schedule of Publication

SourceLab publishes individual editions on a rolling basis; these editions make up each annual volume.

Peer Review Process

Any edition undergoes at least three stages of review. Upon initial submission, the editorial board reviews the edition and either requests further revision, or sends the edition to two blind peer reviewers, at least one of whom comes from outside of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Editorial Board will then send peer review feedback to the authors, and after further revision, the Editorial Board will provide a final review of the edition before publication.


This publication is licensed for free and unrestricted use in all settings under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Author Fees

There are no author fees incurred when publishing an edition with SourceLab.