Minding the Gap

Cultivating Intercultural Skills by Incorporating Social-Justice Competency in LIS Curriculum


  • Rajesh Singh St. John's University
  • Shari Lee St. John's University




EDI, diversity, inclusion, cultural competency, LIS education, ALA core competencies


Implementing intercultural skills and the development of cultural intelligence in library and information science (LIS) education is the first step toward promoting social justice, not only in the LIS field but also within the wider community. This action requires that LIS programs review and revise their course curricula, program content, and educational approaches to prepare future LIS professionals to recognize and fearlessly challenge social injustice. This study aims to demonstrate the importance of cultivating intercultural skills and emphasizes the need for including social justice in LIS education. A case is made for utilizing the revised ALA competencies in this endeavor. The study also demonstrates how an LIS program at St. John’s university incorporated social justice competency in its revised program goals and discusses its implications for making a meaningful change both in the profession and the wider community.

Author Biography

  • Shari Lee, St. John's University

    Associate Professor, Division of Library and Information Science


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