Supporting ethical and cultural competency development in cross-disciplinary information education in Germany
cross-disciplinary education, teaching practie, ethical competency, cultural competencyAbstract
This paper discusses development, teaching, and learning of a graduate level course on information ethics in a German academic setting. It provides an overview of student and course learning objectives, course design, approach to student engagement, assessment, and educational activities. The educational environment was cross-disciplinary between library and information science informed information ethics and computer science concepts and applications. Learning and teaching were contextualized to AI in medical domains, to support focus of educational environment. Ethical and cultural competencies were incorporated into course design to support application of information ethics in design choices, alongside European and United States guidelines on ethical AI. This paper also discusses experienced challenges to balancing disciplinary perspectives and European and North American pedagogical approaches. Specific, identifiable opportunities for future course expansion to support interdisciplinary, ethically, and culturally informed professional education are discussed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Cameron M. Pierson
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