Teaching research methods in LIS programs in Latin America and the United States

A comparison of professional preparation models


  • Krystyna Matusiak University of Denver
  • Mónica Colón-Aguirre
  • Kawanna Bright
  • Egbert John Sánchez Vanderkast




LIS education; Research methodology; Professional preparation models; Comparative research; International studies


This panel will compare curricular models and approaches to teaching research methods in professional preparation programs in the United States and select Latin American countries based on questionnaires and interviews with LIS educators. In most Latin American countries, students begin their LIS education in undergraduate programs and are required to take several research methods classes. In the United States, LIS students usually take a single research method course as a core or an elective as part of a Master’s program. The panelists will discuss the differences and similarities in professional preparation models between the United States and Latin American countries.


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Panels (Juried)