Hoyt Long
Hoyt Long is associate professor of Japanese Literature at the University of Chicago. He is the author of On Uneven Ground: Miyazawa Kenji and the Making of Place in Modern Japan (2012), and publishes widely in the fields of media history and cultural analytics. He co-founded the Chicago Text Lab with Richard Jean So and currently co-directs the Textual Optics Lab, which focuses on creating large-scale, multi-lingual text collections and developing tools to explore them. Recent publications include “Race, Writing, and Computation: Racial Difference and the US Novel, 1880-2000” (Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2019) and “Self-Repetition and East Asian Literary Modernity, 1900-1930” (Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2018). He is currently finishing a book manuscript, Figures of Difference, that reframes the history of modern Japanese literature through quantitative methods and their capacity to reason about difference across multiple scales.