Beyond Resilience

Children's Access to Reading Materials Relative to the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Rita Soulen East Carolina University



access to reading materials, Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, children's and young adult services, reading preferences


This collection of three studies investigated children’s frequency of access to school and public library materials as well as format preferences and resources used to access reading materials prior to, during, and predicted after the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey of parents of children ages 2-18 was conducted which included demographics and other factors. Data were analyzed for significant differences over time and by subgroup. Results indicate that children’s frequency of access to reading materials was negatively influenced by school and library closures and limited access. The child’s age and school environment were influencing factors. Results also indicate differences in format preferences and types of resources used to access reading materials over time. Educators of school and public librarians hold a responsibility to instruct LIS students to prepare for resilience by teaching library patrons how to access and enjoy digital materials in transformative times.


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Juried Papers