Peer Review Process
All submissions to ВИВЛIОθИКА are subject to a double-blind peer review process, in which both the author's and the reviewer's identity are kept hidden. Every submission undergoes the following procedure before being accepted for publication in the journal:
1. The submission is considered by the managing editor, who determines whether the article, book review, etc. complies with the general requirements of the journal (its thematic scope, presence of the required metadata, formatting, and the quality of illustrations). If the submission fails to meet these requirements, it is not considered further. If it complies with the requirements, it is assigned to a reviewer by the managing editor.
2. The submission is reviewed by a specialist in the corresponding field who is either a member of the Editorial or International Advisory Board of the journal. Whenever needed, the Editorial Board may contact other specialists in the field. The reviewers check whether the article complies with the thematic and formal criteria of the journal and publication ethics (see "Author Guidelines" under Submissions). Depending on the results of the review, the article may be accepted for publication without substantial corrections or declined. If the article is declined, the author receives a considered explanation. The article may also require correction and editing, in which case it will only be accepted for publication after all the necessary changes are made.
3. If the submission is accepted for publication, the authors are contacted by the managing editor. The time between the submission of the article and its publication depends on the topic of the issue, the relevance of the article, the reviewer’s work and the author’s work with the editor. Generally, this process takes between six to nine months, depending on the aforementioned factors.
4. Prior to its publication, the final version of the submission shall be sent to the author in order to revise the corrections. After that, authors will not be able to submit any additional changes.
Peer Review Requirements
1. Peer review shall only be carried out anonymously and in compliance with ВИВЛIОθИКА's publication ethics policy (see Ethics Statement). Authors do not participate in the process of peer review.
2. The reviewer should cover the relevance of the article and its material, its academic objectivity, and comprehensiveness. The reviewer shall also characterise the style of the article and the extent to which the author has studied the existing research in the field.
3. The reviewer shall point out all instances of plagiarism, should they be found in the article. They shall also provide recommendations as to how to improve the article whenever necessary.
4. In case of considerable differences in the reviewers’ opinions of the article, the final decision is made by the general editor.
5. The author must take the reviewer’s opinion into account. If they strongly disagree, the reasons must be explained to the Editorial Board in written form. The Editorial Board may choose to stand on the side of the reviewer or find another reviewer whenever appropriate.
6. All reviewers work on a voluntary basis and are not paid for their work.